About Us.

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Pensions and investments aren’t new. But through gatekeeping and jargon they’ve felt like they’re off limits to most people. We’re throwing the doors of the club wide open and creating a space that feels inclusive, positive and never overwhelming.

Our vision is to give everyone the opportunity of a more financially comfortable future and to be a presence and focal point for the local Penistone community. The Waterbridge office is central to the High Street and is easily accessed by residents and visitors to the town.

Our motivation.

Our What.

We provide pension and investment solutions. Pensions and investments come in a broad range of shapes and sizes – a landscape we know every inch of. We draw on a wealth of knowledge to create a bespoke plan unique to you and your goals.

Our How.

We take to understand your financial situation, life goals, and appetite for risk, before finding the most appropriate solutions for you, all within a swift frame.

Our Why.

Because we care. We will always look to do the right thing by you, even if it’s not the most profitable for us. We love helping people, and find great satisfaction in seeing the difference our solutions can make. It’s a win win – we know if we do the best possible job for you, you’ll tell your friends and family.

Our Promises.

Waterbridge is different. We are genuinely interested in ensuring clients see positive results from their investments, and will always look to help anyone.

Waterbridge makes a personal commitment to its clients:

We will help you with carefully chosen investments and pensions as a first step to a future filled with freedom and happiness for you and your favourite people.
We will always explain pensions and investments to you in simple terms, with no jargon or barriers to entry — just pensions and investments built around you.
We’ll never try to fit a square peg into a round hole. If there are no ready made solutions which fit you perfectly we’ll do our very best to create one just for you.
We’re not doing this for short term gain. Instead, we focus on making our clients so happy that they keep us on for the long haul, and invite their friends to do the same.
We will help you with carefully chosen investments and pensions as a first step to a future filled with freedom and happiness for you and your favourite people.
We will always explain pensions and investments to you in simple terms, with no jargon or barriers to entry — just pensions and investments built around you.
We’ll never try to fit a square peg into a round hole. If there are no opportunities that fit you perfectly, we’ll create one from scratch that is unique to you.
We’re not in the business of squeezing every drop of profit from clients. Instead, we focus on making our clients so happy that they keep us on for the long haul, and invite their friends to do the same.

Let’s invest in your happiness.

Lee White


Independent Financial Adviser

Lee’s Financial Services career started in 1997 with Co-Operative Insurance Society, where he passed the benchmark Financial Planning Certificate qualifications. He put in the hard yards, working for 6 years for HSBC as a Personal Financial Planning Manager and Corporate Financial Planning Manager to the bank’s business and premier clients. Then in 2006, Lee joined Aviva as a Business Development Manager, helping Advice Practices in Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire develop their propositions and restructure their businesses in the lead-up to the Financial Conduct Authority’s Retail Distribution Review. 

Lee returned to personal financial advice on a self-employed basis in 2012, working closely with clients on their needs, objectives, and future retirement and investment plans. He holds the Pension Transfer, Managing Investment and Taxation and Trust level 6 Qualifications with the London Institute of Banking and Finance.

Lee firmly believes that honesty, trust, and integrity are the most crucial elements in any adviser/client relationship.

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Greig P Godfrey

Chartered ALIBF

Independent Financial Adviser

Greig began his career in Financial Services in 2003 with the Alliance and Leicester, taking his CeMAP exams in 2006 and progressing to the role of Mortgage Adviser. He then studied towards his CeFA exams in 2009 and joined the Halifax as a Financial Adviser later that year.

In 2012 he completed his Diploma in Financial Advice with Lloyds Banking Group and has since gone on to complete his Level 6 Pension exams, Level 6 Taxation and Trust exams and Level 6 Managing Investments exams. Greig went on to achieve his Chartered Status with the London Institute of Banking and Finance in 2021. Greig has worked as an Independent Financial Adviser since 2014 specialising in Pensions and Investments and is the Director of Waterbridge. He has experience of dealing with both corporate and retail clients in a regulated environment.

Greig is married to his wife Anna and they have 2 daughters Grace and Sophia. Family is spent in the outdoors with their many animals and holidaying during the summer months.

Connect with Greig on LinkedIn

Ruth Burkinshaw


Ruth began working in Financial Services in 1998 with Yorkshire Bank. Throughout the following 19 years, she worked in a number of different branches across Barnsley & Sheffield, meeting and dealing with a wide variety of people along the way.

At Waterbridge, by creating a friendly, welcoming environment from the outset, Ruth aims to treat our clients as we would wish to be treated ourselves. Building a good relationship from the outset has always been and continues to be her personal focus. This means we can achieve the best solutions possible for our clients.

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James Priestley

Research Analyst

James has worked in financial services for more than 5 years and having worked specifically within the pension and investment area for a major company, he has developed a strong knowledge across different platforms, providers and products.

James’ role at Waterbridge is to provide support to the advisers and he is integral to our process in providing thorough analysis, research and the most suitable outcome for each client.

In his spare James enjoys travelling to new destinations as well as spending with friends and family.

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Anna Godfrey

Account Manager and Administrator

Anna began her career as a Teacher, qualifying with BA Honours in 2002 from Leeds University. She progressed to become Assistant Principal of a small primary school. In 2017, Anna moved into Financial Services in a support role and then joined Waterbridge in 2020, supporting and working alongside the Waterbridge Team. She currently works as an Account Manager and Administrator to support the team in areas of Administrative support, Finance and Back office processing. When Anna isn’t working, she loves walking her Golden Retriever ‘Teddy’ and looking after the family horse ‘Lily’ with her two daughters; Grace and Sophia.

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Howard Street

Advisory Support

Howard has been in financial services for 31 years and during this he has carried out various positions from working in compliance to leading a team of financial advisors as well as holding a more senior prominent role in the banking sector with Lloyds TSB and HSBC.

Howard has been an Independent Financial advisor for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge and financial planning expertise.

Howard now supports Waterbridge in an advisory and administrative capacity.

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Stuart Hately

Investment Consultant

Stuart qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Touche Ross in 1993 and went on to be Principal Consultant with KPMG specialising in Financial Services businesses. He has engaged his expertise and services with Brown Shipley, Royal Liver Assurance and Investec Wealth & Investments. During his 30 years, working in financial services businesses he has held directorships with various investment companies and as well as being Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for multi-billion fund management businesses.

He has also taken appointment as a Non-Executive of Sheffield Mutual Friendly Society.

Stuart assists the team with the day to day management of the investment philosophy, helping to make sure that all clients get the right outcomes from the advice both at the outset and on an ongoing basis.

Connect with Stuart on LinkedIn


Get in touch with us.

Our team are ready to speak with you and get you started on your journey to financial freedom.

Who better to talk about us than our clients?
